2 examples of daily menus for a reduction diet (1500 kcal)

I took a female person as an example, let’s call her Vedrana. Vedrana is 30 years old, 170 cm tall and weighs 67.5 kg. Vedrana works in an office and usually sits for 8 hours. She spends the rest of her free time hanging out with her friends, doing housework and reading books.

Therefore, he does not engage in organized physical activity. Given her age, sedentary work shows its results in the appearance of her body, Vedrana would like to lose a few kilos. Taking into account all the data and the ultimate goal, I put together 2 menus that offer the following:

  • 1500 kcal
  • 100 g of protein
  • 50 g fat
  • 160 g of carbohydrates

It should be taken into account that the values ​​are calculated and based on personal experience. This is therefore a rough example that will eventually need small modifications of the so-called “fine tuning”.

fine tuning

The first menu

1. Meal

  • 10 g of wheat germ
  • 10 g of raisins
  • 40 g of oatmeal
  • 30 g whey proteina
  • 10 g of flax seeds


Soak seeds, raisins and oatmeal in water. You can heat them in the microwave for a few minutes. Grind the flax seeds and mix them with oatmeal and seeds. Stir in the whey. You can leave the oats to soak overnight in water so that they absorb as much water as possible and fill you up better.

2nd meal

  • 150 g of lean cheese
  • 60 g pastry (kaiser or something similar)
  • 150 g of apple (1 pc)

3rd meal

  • 150 g of chicken breast
  • 50 g of rice
  • 2 soup spoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups of fresh leafy vegetables
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4th meal

  • 30 g whey proteina
  • 30 g of oatmeal
  • 10 g of almonds


Second menu

1st meal

  • 30 g of casein protein
  • 100 g of low-fat milk
  • 40 g of oatmeal
  • 20 g of dried fruit

2nd meal

  • 60 g of pastry
  • 100 g of eggs (2 pcs)
  • 200 g of orange (1 piece)

3rd meal

  • 200 g hake
  • 200 g of potatoes
  • 2 soup spoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups of vegetables

4th meal

  • 100 g of lean pork
  • 1 cup of vegetables
  • 10 g of almonds

Raw beef meat


All food is weighed raw before preparation. The quantities refer to the edible part (e.g. 150 g of apple refers to 150 g of peeled, pitted apple).


  • An excellent choice: turkey, chicken, blue sea fish, other sea fish, river fish (trout, not very fatty like, for example, catfish), shrimp, muskrat.
  • Good choice: veal, beef, beef, pork, red meat (lean parts).
  • Avoid: sausages, preserves (breakfast meat, pâté), dried meat products.


  • Larger fruit trees: pears, apples, pineapples, oranges, tangerines. 1 portion = 1 piece of fruit.
  • Smaller fruits: plums, apricots. 1 portion = 2-3 pieces of fruit.
  • Small fruits: strawberries, cherries, raspberries. 1 serving = 1 cup of fruit.


  • A better choice: green leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, radicchio, rocket), cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. 1 portion = 1 cup of leafy vegetables, or sliced ​​other vegetables.
  • Potatoes are not considered vegetables but are eaten instead of dough or rice.
  • Mushrooms can be eaten unlimitedly and inserted anywhere.


  • An excellent choice: almonds, walnuts and other nuts, olive oil, pumpkin oil, linseed.
  • Avoid: puff pastry, butter, margarine, fried fat, whole milk, hard cheeses, cheese spreads.

fried fat


It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water or unsweetened tea during the day. Juices should be avoided because they provide additional sugars. The only choice is freshly squeezed juice, which can occasionally replace 1 piece of fruit. Coffee : best espresso or instant coffee classic.

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Food preparation:

Preparation is just as important as the choice of food. Food is prepared on the stove, baked on a grill pan or in the oven. It is best to use butter, animal fat or coconut oil as fat, but in minimal quantities. Olive oil is only used fresh or for stewing food, it cannot withstand high temperatures.

Vegetables are best consumed fresh or steamed. All spices are allowed and it is recommended to use them to complement the flavor of the food.

Examples of substitutions:

It is advisable to change the foods to avoid monotony and maintain motivation. The goal is to enjoy food and normalize the diet, which we can then maintain for a longer period of time:

  • 100 g of raw rice = 100 g of bananas
  • 50 g of raw rice = 50 g of semolina before cooking
  • 50 g of rice = 45 g of grits
  • 50 g of rice = 100 g of gnocchi
  • 100 g of rice = 500 g of potatoes
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil = 30 g of almonds = 20 g of butter.
  • 150 g of red meat = 150 g of white meat + 1 tablespoon of oil = 200 g of fish + 1 tablespoon of oil.


When starting with a reduction diet, it can happen that the intake of necessary micronutrients is reduced. Therefore, my recommendation is to take multivitamins with the main meal in order to maintain immunity and to be able to endure the diet to the end.

Among the other nutritional supplements, I also recommend vitamin C in a slightly stronger dose (1-2 g per day), preferably in the morning.


In the first week, insert at least half an hour of walking, rollerblading or some other cardio activity. Walking is my favorite choice because it does not require special preparation and can be nicely integrated into the daily schedule: for example, on the way to work, you get off a few stops earlier.

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Over time, it is good to increase the activity to at least 1 hour a day. Take advantage of the swimming pool in winter or rollerblading and cycling in summer. Throw in a hike every now and then and enjoy the fresh air and break the monotony.


Losing weight is a process that lasts and includes more aspects than simply reducing the diet. If we want a good result, we must choose quality foods and incorporate physical activity as part of a normal daily schedule.

Just as you brush your teeth in the morning without even thinking about it, so eat breakfast and take a walk in the afternoon. Make regular meals and exercise your ritual. Then the results will not be absent.

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