30 tips on how to lose weight without dieting

If we want to put weight loss and the selection and amount of food we eat into the same formula, we all first think of some kind of diet. Diet often involves starvation, restricting the intake of a large number of foods and great mental suffering, which often ends with regaining the lost kilos and gaining a few extra ones.

But is it possible to lose weight without implementing some rigorous diet, without depriving yourself of all enjoyment of food and favorite foods? Of course it can, below we bring you 30 simple tips on how to succeed :

Eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water

This group includes tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi and grapes, which contain 90-95% water. This fruit will satisfy your sweet tooth, but also fill you up (fill your stomach with water) so that you eat less in total during the day.

Eat fresh instead of processed fruit

Everything that has undergone some form of processing is additionally sugared (e.g. pineapple in a can), and there is a lower proportion of fiber in foods that have been processed, compared to these fresh ones.

processed fruit

Increase fiber intake

The easiest way to increase fiber intake is by increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Increase your intake of vegetables

Vegetables should be your best friend in losing weight. The best choice is always green leafy vegetables, such as salad greens, cabbage, Swiss chard, spinach and kale because of their fiber, water and nutritional value.

Eat smart

Think about what you eat and don’t eat just to fill yourself up. Also, do not eat impulsively, but think about the meals you will eat.

Limit the intake of sweets

If you’re craving something sweet, treat yourself to a chocolate bar or your favorite cookie. However, limit yourself to that amount , and don’t go and eat everything you can get your hands on.

See also  2 examples of daily menus for a reduction diet (1500 kcal)

Always eat at approximately the same time

Try to always eat at approximately the same time, regardless of whether it’s a weekday or a weekend. Also, eat before you “starve” because then you could eat much more than you need.

Eat only when you are hungry

Before every meal, drink a large glass of water, to avoid eating when you are actually thirsty. Many obese people eat as soon as they see food, and then this means an excessive intake of calories .

see food

Limit snacking between meals

If you have decided to have 3 meals a day, stick to that number, without additional snacks in between. If you have to include a snack, make it healthy. Read our article  10 low-calorie and healthy snacks you will love .

Vegetables are an excellent snack

If you feel unbearably hungry between meals, reach for a fresh carrot, it will fill you up and supply you with nutrients.

Consume excessive calories

Try to keep track of how many calories you take in, and if you overeat, try to use them up during the day with some kind of physical activity.

Avoid everything deep-fried

If it’s deep-fried, it means it’s high in fat, right? Even if, after that, it is left to “drain” on paper towels, too much oil is still absorbed and we advise you to bypass this method of preparation.

Don’t skip meals

We advise you to determine 3-5 meals that you will eat in a day (3 main meals, 2 snacks), which will keep you full and prevent overeating.

Like fruits, always eat vegetables fresh

Always buy vegetables fresh, and those that you can eat uncooked because that way they retain the greatest nutritional value.

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Eat some chocolate as a reward

No one is asking you to give up chocolate completely. From time to time reward yourself with a bar of good chocolate with a high cocoa content.


Eat foods from all macronutrient groups

Don’t limit yourself to just some foods and don’t cut out whole food groups. Experiment with foods you may have never tried and enjoy new flavors.

Eat breakfast within an hour after waking up

This is the best way to fill the body with energy and satisfy the need for food. Breakfast is the meal with which you stop the fast that lasted during the night. Read our  30 ideas for a healthy breakfast .

Eat all macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats)

Although many avoid carbohydrates, even though they are an important source of energy. Often, diets that throw out the whole group (such as the keto diet ) in many people cause an artificial desire for exactly such foods and overeating at the moment of weakness.

Proteins are an important part of the diet

Every meal should contain a quality source of protein , which contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle mass, but also to a number of vital functions of the body.

Fats are necessary for the body

Fats are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. also, in order for the body to melt excess fat, it is necessary to consume additional fats , but healthy ones.

Prefer white over red meat

Give priority to chicken and turkey and fish, and reduce the intake of pork and beef.

red meat

Base as many meals as possible on vegetables

We do not expect you to eliminate meat from the menu, but increase the proportion of plant-based foods. However, if you switch to a partially vegetarian diet, make sure you maintain a sufficient protein intake.

See also  5 tips for a person who has been trying to lose weight for years, but never succeeds!

Instead of white bread, give preference to bread made from grains and seeds

Although many people like white bread, replace it with whole grains and seeds . This will eliminate unhealthy white flour and increase fiber intake.

Pork should be avoided

Pork has a very high fat content and is the first meat you should eliminate from the menu.

Limit your sugar intake

If you really have to sweeten your coffee or tea, use erythritol or stevia instead of regular white sugar.

Avoid “cheat meal”

The existence of cheat meals for those with a weaker character often ends with a cheat day or month. If you feel like eating cake, take one and share it with family members, and then do a workout to consume it.

Watch your fat intake for calories

Although we need to consume fats, keep in mind that 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, so it is possible to consume several hundred calories with just a handful of a healthy source of fat.


Limit your salt intake

Salt is one of the main patterns of obesity. Limit salting of meals because many foods contain enough salt without adding spices.

Limit sodas

If you are a fan of carbonated drinks, replace the regular ones with the “zero” label, in which the sugar has been replaced with artificial sweeteners. It is healthiest to drink plain water.

Use spices

If you don’t use sugar and salt, the food doesn’t have to be bland. Use spices and add natural flavors and aromas to your food.

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